Paul Minda - Voice Actor


Live Event Voice-Over Services

Are you planning an upcoming event? Do you need someone to act as your voice for it? If so, then it is time to reach out to Paul Minda. With more than 15 years of experience, he is ready, willing, and able to be the voice you need to draw the attention of your guests.

With his live event voice-over services, Paul is able to deliver important information to guests on your behalf in a professional, impactful way. With a commanding, versatile voice, listeners are inclined to stop what they are doing and listen to what he has to say—even in the loud, chaotic atmosphere of a live event.

Paul is the perfect addition to any live event, from public service announcements to concert and other live event announcements. Some of the different types of live events that can benefit from his voice-over services include:

Corporate Events
Special Presentations

Contact us today to learn more about Paul Minda and the voice-over services he can bring to your next special event. He looks forward to showing you just how effective his clear and attention-grabbing voice can be, no matter the type of occasion you have planned.